Health and Wellness Hacks That Work

Five health and wellness hacks that will completely change the game

Okay, guys, today's article is about health and wellness packs. And I've got five different ones that are helpful, and they're very broad. So we have some really specific, like food, once the target workouts, and some overall ways of thinking, because wellness, in general, encompasses so much and I think that we're learning now that it's not just about taking supplements and eating healthy, it's your mental health. It's your state of mind. It's your energy. It is what? Also, what you're eating. There are just a lot of different things that encompass. So I wanted to help you guys incorporate five things that don't cost any money, and that will help. Let's get into the first one. Let's talk workouts. So when you're at the gym and let's say you're like, I've got to work out for 45 minutes, or you want to do cardio for 30 minutes, or you have a set that you want to do anything that boosts up your stamina. So if you focus on a playlist that you have to get there, you can make a specific playlist with the exact time that you want. Let's say you want to do abs for 15 minutes. You're going to make an AB playlist. This helps you like getting the workout and not be so focused on the clock. Not only is this more enjoyable, but it's also going to be songs that you like. So you're going to be excited to like, get through them, and get to the next one. And when you're not so focused on the clock, like, how many more minutes? How much longer do I have? You're going to be way more into your workout. And the mind-body connection is so real. I mean, there's so much research on this. I honestly even encourage you guys to look into it and read about it yourself. Some so many trainers will tell you like, when you're doing curls, picture your arm muscles when are doing squats. Think about legs. Think about your butt. When you're thinking about those things while you're doing it and you're very focused, you're going to get much better results. There's a one really interesting study that explains this, where there are two groups of people that all had arm casts. And then one group of them they had them think about like, there are muscles like as if they were contracting as if they were working out and constantly focusing on it with that mind-body connection.

So it's cool to realize how important your mind-body connection is. And I just think a playlist can be a really fun way to incorporate that. The next one is a little restaurant. Food hacks. Oh, I know for a lot of people, it's easy to eat healthy at home when you're on your routine. But of course, that's not regular life, like you want to go out to dinner with friends. You want to be social. So one little thing you can do is if you're at dinner with a group of people, whether it family or friends, be the first person to order because if you ever notice, it's really easy to be influenced by other people's orders like I completely admit that even when I go out to eat, I always want everyone else to order first because unlike maybe, they'll say something that sounds good that I didn't think of. But if you say it first, you almost set the tone for the whole table. So let's say you order like this beautiful salad and vegetables and someone else next it's going to be like, well, I'm not going to order like cheese eyes. Not that it's a guilt thing, but it's almost just setting the tone. So if you start, and you do that, it's going to be a lot easier to order your healthy food versus if you heard everyone at the table order, burgers fries steaks like unhealthy food, it's going to just make it harder for you. So take charge and be the first order. This next tip is about muscle growth and recovery. So the next time you're going to be doing any kind of weight, training, or strength training, I want you to try to have a specific drink before and a specific drink after. So for your workout, try having a cold-pressed watermelon juice, which you can do by taking a fresh watermelon and putting it in a blender. You don't need to add sugar. So watermelon and watermelon juice is a vasodilator, which means it expands your blood vessels. It stimulates nitric oxide in your body, which helps increase blood flow and increased oxygen. So when you have increased blood flow, you're going to have an increase of oxygenated blood that goes to your muscles, which is great before a workout. And this is going to help increase the rate of respiration and performance of your workout. After the workout, you can have cherry juice. There are a few natural sugars because of the cherries. This is going to stimulate a little bit of insulin release, which is good before you have protein, and it can help you absorb protein more. So let's say you're used to having like your protein shake right after your meal, or you're going to, even if it's a high-protein meal, had that little bit of tart cherry juice before. And this is a cool way to kind of buy a pack for your body.

This next tip is about digestion. So if you notice that you get a lot of acid reflux or indigestion, or, any kind of digestive issues, try to pay attention to whether you wear a lot of tight clothing, especially in the area and especially while you're eating. So this is something that I feel like I never even used to pay attention to, and you don't think about, but when you have really compressed tight clothing like yoga pants, or even if you're wearing like any kind of compression underwear like Spanx or whatever, you've got going on a tight dress tight jeans, it's kind of smush in your internal organs, and it's making your GI tract not function as well as it should. So if you notice this is an issue, try changing into looser clothing. At least when you eat, maybe when you get home before you make dinner change out of your pants. I know I used to kind of go for my workout in my yoga pants right to dinner and not take them off. And this can impact your digestion. So if this is something that's bothering you, I think it's something worth looking into. And lastly, to close out this article overall, when it comes to Wellness, try to get rid of labels. I think that we are so used to being stuck on like, what's your diet type? There are so many labels, and we're human beings. And we don't need to fall into any specific label. And having that pressure on you, you'd be surprised like what it can do to your body. And this is how I like to eat like most people, that base once in a while, I have fish, like whatever it is that you want to do, just have it be what you do. And don't worry about the pressure. But other people think. I also think that not labeling yourself is something it takes the pressure off when you're around your friends like, you know, when you let's say you say, I'm giving up French fries forever, I love using French fries is my favorite food. But if I announce to everyone that I want one, but I'm around all my friends and family whom I said, I wasn't going to eat, it's like you feel ashamed. So just don't put that pressure. That's your diet.

So I would encourage everyone to just, you know, take a step back, do what works for you, and, not be influenced by anyone else or any kind of label. So those are my five health and wellness tips. If you guys like this, I can do more articles like this, where it's just like one quick tip. So if you like digesting content, and that way, you can check that out. And if you have any good like little Wellness hacks, I would love to know. Please share them in the comments, and we can all breathe through with good ideas with each other. So I hope this will be helpful. Please leave any questions in the comments, and I'll see you next time.

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